The role of competence building in firms in the emergence and evolution of Global Innovation Networks (GINs)

WP6 investigates what competences are demanded of firms and regions when they specialise in fragments of GINs and to what extent these competences are globally available or highly concentrated in certain regions. The analysis has a double purpose: it allows to forecast the growth of in GINs and to assess their impact for EU firms and industries. Its objectives are:

  • To investigate the fragmentation of GINs and the different demands on capabilities that the different activities pose
  • To understand the evolution of the two-way relationship between foreign direct investment and local human capital in firms in Brazil, India, China and South Africa
  • To understand the role of intermediate skills in the competitiveness of high and medium-tech industries

WP leader: 
HSRC (Human Science Research Council)

Partners involved:
ULUND (University of Lund)
CEDEPLAR-UFMG (Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional)
GUCAS (Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Science)
CBS (Copenhagen Business School)
IBS (Institute for Baltic Studies)
DIE (German Development Institute)
CDS (Centre for Development Studies)

WP6 has concluded its activities in March 2011. The following reports have been published:

D6.1: "Fragmentation of GINs and capability building in the automotive, ICT and agro processing industries" ...read more
D6.2: "Synthesis paper on HRD policies and MNC subsidiaries" ...read more